How to purchase mask with right standard?

How to Purchse the face maks with right standard?
When you get the face mask as a new business , you should know it is for protective mask, medical face mask and surgical face mask.
How to distinction the different, here pls find the standard of every countres as follows for your referenc eto help you.


Name in Chinese Name in English

GB  2626-2006

呼吸防护用品 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 Respiratory protective equipment.  Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator

GB  2626-2019

呼吸防护 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器

GB/T  18664-2002

呼吸防护用品的选择、使用与维护 Selection,use and maintenance of  respiratory protective equipment

GB  19083-2010

医用防护口罩技术要求 Technical requirements for protective  face mask for medical use

GB/T  23465-2009

呼吸防护用品 实用性能评价

GB/T  32610-2016

日常防护型口罩技术规范 Technical  specification of daily  protective mask

YY  0469-2011

医用外科口罩 Surgical  mask

YY/T  0691-2008

传染性病原体防护装备 医用面罩抗合成血穿透性试验方法(固定体积、水平注射) Clothing for protection against  infectious agents. Medical face masks. Test method for  resistance  against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally   projected)

YY/T  0866-2011

医用防护口罩总泄漏率测试方法 Total inward leakage determination  method of protective face mask for medical use

YY/T  0969-2013

一次性使用医用口罩 Single-use  medical face mask

YY/T  1497-2016

医用防护口罩材料病毒过滤效率评价测试方法 Phi-X174噬菌体测试方法

Evaluation  test method for the viral  filtration efficiency (VFE)of medical protective  face mask materials.  Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage

DB  50/ 107-2003


DB  62/T 518-1998


DB  65/T 2028-2003


Medical  purified ganuze mask

CNS  14258-1998


Guidance  for seclection use and  maintenance of respiratory protective devices

CNS  14755-2003


Disposable  dust respirators

CNS  14756-2003


Disposable  dust respirators with  activated – carbon

CNS  14774-2018


Medical  face masks

CNS  14775-2003


Method  of test for evaluating the  bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of  medical face mask materials,  using a  biological aerosol of staphylococcus aureus

CNS  14776-2003 醫用面罩對合成血液穿透阻力的試驗法─以已知速度定量的水平噴灑 Method  of test for resistance of  medical face masks to penetration by synthetic  blood (horizontal  projection of fixed volume at a known velocity)
CNS  14777-2003 醫用面罩空氣交換壓力之試驗法 Method  of test for air exchange  pressure of medical face mask
CNS  16076-2018 呼吸防護裝置-全面罩-要求、試驗、標示 Respiratory  protective devices. Full  face masks. Requirements, testing, marking
T/CTCA 1-2019 《PM2.5防护口罩》团体标准 PM2.5  protective mask
T/CTCA 7-2019 《普通防护口罩》团体标准 Ordinary  protective mask
International ISO  22609-2004 传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积,水平注射) Clothing for protection against  infectious agents – Medical face masks – Test method  for resistance  against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally   projected)
EU EN  136-1998+AC-2003 呼吸保护装置 全面罩 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements,testing,marking
EN  140-1998+AC-1999 呼吸保护装置 半面罩和1/4面罩式 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks.  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  143-2000 呼吸保护装置 – 粒子滤波 – 要求、测试、标识 Respiratory  protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements,testing,marking Including  corrigenda  July 2002 and March 2005;Including Amendment A1:June 2006
EN  149-2001 呼吸防护装置.颗粒防护用过滤半面罩.要求、检验和标记 Respiratory  protective devices – Filtering half masks to protect against particles –  Requirements  testing marking
EN  149-2001+A1-2009 呼吸保护装置 颗粒防护用过滤半遮罩  要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices.  Filtering half masks to protect against particles.   Requirements,testing,marking
EN  529-2005 呼吸保护器  选择、使用、维护和保养建议  指导性文件 Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection,use,care and maintenance.  Guidance  document Supersedes CR 529:1993
EN  12942-1998+A2-2008 呼吸保护装置 全面罩、半面罩或1/4面罩式动力过滤装置 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices. Power  assisted filtering devices incorporating full face  masks,half masks or  quarter masks. Requirements,testing,marking
EN  14387-2004+A1-2008 呼吸保护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器  要求、测试和标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s).  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  14683-2019+AC-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical face masks – Requirements and  test methods
USA ASTM  F1862/F1862M-2017 医用口罩抗人工合成血渗透的标准试验方法(已知速度下固定体积的水平投影) Standard Test Method for Resistance  of Medical Face Masks to Penetration by Synthetic  Blood (Horizontal  Projection of Fixed Volume at a Known Velocity)
ASTM  F2100-2019 医用口罩材料性能标准规范 Standard Specification for  Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
ASTM  F2101-2019 用金黄色葡萄球菌生物气溶胶评价医用口罩材料的细菌过滤效率(BFE)的标准试验方法 Standard  Test Method for Evaluating  the Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of Medical Face Mask  Materials, Using a Biological Aerosol of Staphylococcus  aureus
ASTM  F2299/F2299M-2003(2017) 用乳胶球测定医用口罩材料被微粒渗透的初始效率的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Determining  the Initial Efficiency of Materials Used in  Medical Face Masks to  Penetration by Particulates Using Latex Spheres
CFR  42-84-1995解释指南 NIOSH颗粒物防护口罩的选择和使用指南 NIOSH Guide to the Selection and Use  of Particulate Respirators
UK BS  EN 136-1998 呼吸保护装置.全面罩.要求、试验、标记 Respiratory protective devices. Full  face masks. Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 140-1999 呼吸保护装置 半口罩和四分之一口罩  要求、试验、标记 Respiratory protective devices. Half  masks and quarter masks.  Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 143-2000 呼吸防护装置 微粒过滤器 要求、测试、标记 Respiratory protective devices.  Particle filters. Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 149-2001+A1-2009 呼吸保护装置 可防微粒的过滤式半面罩  要求、试验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices.  Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements,  testing, marking
BS  EN 529-2005 呼吸保护装置 选择、使用、保养和维护的建议  指导文档 Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection,use,care and maintenance.  Guidance  document
BS  EN 14387-2004+A1-2008 呼吸防护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器  要求、试验、标志 Respiratory  protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements,  testing, marking
BS  EN 14683-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical face masks. Requirements and  test methods
Germany DIN  EN 136-1998 呼吸保护器.全面罩.要求、检验、标志 Respiratory  protective devices.  Fullface masks. Requirements, testing,marking; German  version  EN136:1997
DIN  EN 140-1998 呼吸保护器.半面和四分之一面罩.要求、检验、标记 Respiratory  protective devices. Half  masks and quarter-masks. Requirements, testing, marking; German version  EN140:1998
DIN  EN 149-2009 呼吸保护装置 过滤半面罩以防止颗粒物  要求,测试,标记; Respiratory  protective devices.  Filtering half masks to protect against particles.Requirements, testing, marking; German version EN149:2001+A1:2009
DIN  EN 529-2006 呼吸保护器  选择、使用、维护和保养建议  指导性文件 Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance.  Guidance  document; German version EN529:2005
DIN  EN 14683-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical face masks – Requirements and  test methods; German version EN  14683:2019+AC:2019
France NF  S76-014-2009 呼吸保护装置.颗粒防护用过滤式半面罩.要求、试验、标记 Respiratory protective devices –  Filtering half masks to protect against particles –  Requirements,  testing, marking
NF  S76-034-1998 呼吸保护装置与防护罩或防护面具结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验, 标志 Respiratory protective devices.  Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a  hood.  Requirements, testing, marking.
NF  S97-166-2014 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical face masks – Requirements and  test methods
NF  EN 140-1998 呼吸保护装置.1/2 和1/4 防毒面具.要求,试验和标志 Respiratory protective    devices  -  Half   masks  and   quarter   masks  -  Requirements,  testing,    marking
NF  EN 12941-1998 呼吸保护装置与防护罩或防护面具结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验, 标志 Respiratory protective  devices.  Powered  filtering   devices   incorporating  a   helmet  or  a   hood.  Requirements,  testing,   marking.
Australian AS/NZS  1715-2009 呼吸保护设备的选择 使用和维护 Selection,Use And Maintenance Of  Respiratory Protective Equipment
AS/NZS  1716-2012 呼吸防护设备 Respiratory protective devices
Janpan JIS  T8062-2010 预防传染性病原体的防护服.面罩.防止人造血浆渗透的试验方法(确定容量,水平注射) Clothing for protection against  infectious agents — Face masks — Test method for  resistance against  penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
JIS  T8150-2006 呼吸防护器具的选择、使用及保管办法 Guidance  for selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
JIS  T8159-2006 呼吸防护面具漏泄率试验方法 Leakage rate testing method for  respiratory protective devices
Korea KS  M 6673-2008 防尘口罩 Dust  respirators
KS  K ISO 22609-2018 抗传染病防护服 医用口罩 合成血液抗渗透的试验方法(确定容量,水平注射) Clothing for protection against  infectious agents — Medical face masks — Test method  for resistance  against penetration by synthetic blood(fixed volume,  horizontally  projected)
Vietnam TCVN  8389-1-2010 医用口罩. 第1部分: 普通医用口罩 Medical face mask. Part 1: Normal  medical face mask.
TCVN  8389-2-2010 医疗口罩. 第2部分: 防细菌医用口罩 Medical  face mask. Part 2: Medical face mask preventing bacteria.
TCVN  8389-3-2010 医用口罩. 第3部分: 防有毒化学物质医用口罩 Medical  face mask. Part 3: Medical face mask preventing of toxic chemicals
Other Countries DS/ISO  22609-2005 防病毒衣物. 医用口罩. 合成血液渗透性测试方法(确定容量,水平注射) Clothing for protection against  infectious agents – Medical face masks – Test method  for resistance  against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally   projected)
GOST  12.4.166-2018 职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  面具 一般规范 Occupational Safety Standards System.  Respiratory Protective Devices. Facepiece. General  Specifications
GOST  12.4.285-2015 职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  防微粒过滤半面罩 一般规范 Occupational safety standards system.  Respiratory protective devices. Filter self-rescuer.  General technical  requirements. Test methods
GOST  12.4.294-2015 职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  面罩 一般规范 Occupational safety standards system.  Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks  to protect against  particles. General specifications
GOST  R 58396-2019 医疗口罩 要求和测试方法 Medical Face Masks. Requirements And  Test Methods
AS/NZS  1715-2009 呼吸保护设备的选择 使用和维护 Selection, Use And Maintenance Of  Respiratory Protective Equipment
AS/NZS  1716-2012 呼吸防护设备 Respiratory protective devices
SANS  1866-1-2018 医疗设备 第1部分 医用口罩 Medical devices Part 1: Medical face  masks
SANS  50136-1998 呼吸保护装置. 全面罩. 要求、测试、标记 Respiratory Protective Devices. Full  Face Masks. Requirements, Testing, Marking
SANS  50140-1998 呼吸保护装置. 半面罩和四分之一面罩. 要求、测试、标记 Respiratory Protective Devices. Half  Masks And Quarter Masks. Requirements, Testing,  Marking
SS  548-2009 选择、使用和维修呼吸保护装置 Code of practice for selection, use  and maintenance of respiratory protective  devices
ABNT  NBR 13694-1996 呼吸保护装置 半面罩和四分之一面罩  规范 Respiratory protective devices. Half  masks and quarter masks. Specification
ABNT  NBR 13695-1996 呼吸保护装置 全面罩 规范 Respiratory protective devices. Full  face masks. Specification
ABNT  NBR 13698-2011 呼吸保护装置 颗粒过滤半面罩 Respiratory protective devices.  Filtering half mask to protect against particles
IS  14166-1994 呼吸防护装置:全面罩 Respiratory protective devices : Full  face masks
IS  14746-1999 呼吸防护装置-半面罩和四分之一面罩 Respiratory Protective Devices – Half  Masks And Quarter Masks
IS  9473-2002 呼吸防护装置-防止颗粒的过滤半面罩 Respiratory Protective Devices –  Filtering Half Masks to Protect Against Particles
UNI  EN 14683-2019 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical face masks – Requirements and  test methods
IS  9623-2008 呼吸防护装置的选择、使用和维护-规程 Selection, use and maintenance of  respiratory protective devices – Code of practice
UNE  EN 14683-2014 医用口罩 要求和试验方法 Medical Face Masks – Requirements And  Test Methods